NFA Gun Trusts in Charleston, SC
How to Buy an NFA Weapon With a Trust in Charlestons SC
The easiest way to legally own an NFA item such as an SBR or suppressor is by forming a legal trust. This will help you avoid going through the alternative process, which is to be fingerprinted and get a signature from the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in your area. An NFA trust is specifically drafted for the acquisition and ownership of all NFA items.
The benefits of a NFA Firearm Trust include but are not limited:
No CLEO signature required
No fingerprints required
No photographs required
Shortens time for the paperwork to clear the ATF
Incapacity or death is more easily handled
As a Class III dealer, Allied Arms is your trusted source for all NFA acquisitions and transfers. Our organization has established a relationship with Ryan Schwartz of the Thrower & Schwartz Law Firm, to assist you in establishing your trust. Ryan is a firearms advocate and has significant experience forming these gun trusts for all enthusiasts. He has graciously extended a special price to all Allied Arms clients in the amount of $175.00.
More information and details about your gun trust form is available at the law firm’s website.
Transfer fee if purchased from other vendor $100
Transfer fee if purchased from Allied Arms $25